2 Guys Drinking Coffee

We’re just 2 Guys Drinking Coffee and talking about what is going on in our crazy world today. We research and share what we find.

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6 days ago


Wednesday May 08, 2024

2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 158 – Spiritual Warfare
Every week we talk about the issues of the day and reference the causes of these issues, including the being sitting at the head of the Executive Table. Who could that be? Satan. Today, we are taking a Deep Dive into Spiritual Warfare, it's history, and how it affects us today.

Wednesday May 01, 2024

Culling the Population, Creating customer for life for Big Pharma… Or both?
Many times, over the course of this podcast, we have discussed the globalist/Predator Class agenda for the world.  We’ve known it as Agenda 2030, The Great Reset, New World Order, and many other monikers.  But regardless of what we call it, the truth is it all comes down to some basic irrefutable facts.

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

As most of you know our central theme since the first of the year has been, “GET IN THE GAME!”  Our guest today, is the epitome of the “Get in the Game” theme.
We are excited to have on our show this week, Dr. John Diamond.  John is a nationally recognized teacher, author, motivational and inspirational speaker, theologian, and Christian apologist.  He is affiliated with The John Birch Society and Brighteon TV among many other projects, but we will let him tell us about those.

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

Over the weekend when watching the news, especially the “BIG SHOW” of Iran attacking Israel, and reading various other news articles, the thought of “DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS” occurred to me.
 If you are older, remember back to when you were a youth and how much society has changed.  This is not the country I grew up in.  The prosperity, the morality, the community is a shell of what it once was.  We were once the manufacturing capital of the world, now China is.  The Great Plains were once known as the Bread Basket of the world, now we are a net food importer.  We once were once the Lender to the world, now we are the largest borrower the world has ever seen. 
 Slowly but surely, DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS.  It's taken a generation but they (the powers that should not be) are succeeding in their plans.  And I would say we are now in the End Game.
 How are they killing us?  …World war, economic collapse, infrastructure terrorism, false representation, war on food, pharmakeia drugs (mRNA), and so much more, and I'll say the ultimate one:  Death by Despair.

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

Why are people not taking a stand? Why are people just going along with the obvious usurpation of our freedom and liberty? That doesn't apply to the United States, but the world as a whole.
We have globalists like Klaus Schwaab telling us we will not only eat bugs but we “own nothing and be happy”. We have Yuval Noah Harari and other eugenicists telling us that everyone, but the elites are “useless eaters”. They tell us that in their plans for their future dystopian world 90% of the world population will be gone and the remaining population will only be there to serve the elites.
In this country we wondered is there a path to take to employ what our founding documents promises when it says, “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”
The ultimate question then became, what is the “call to arms” moment that would mobilize the people to act? What is the event or tipping point where people can no longer tolerate oppression and are moved to action? While we all have our own personal threshold, is there a moment or event that will coalesce the masses into a unified force to fight back and reclaim our God-given rights and freedoms. This is what we will be asking in this episode of 2 Guys Drinking Coffee. When we ask this in general, we encourage all our listeners to contemplate this question and decide if and what is your own “call to arms” moment.

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Today's theme is “Do you think this is all by accident?”  As we review the news of the past week or so, you really have to ask yourself:  “Are people this stupid?”  Or, “Are all these events just bad luck and accidents?”  We are sure there are many other similar questions one can ask, but the bottom line is:  at some point you have to decide if all of this craziness is just happenstance or is it by design?  Some things simply do not add up.  Was George Carlin right when he said things like “The Owners of this Country,”  and “It's a big club out there.” Simply put, there is more to the story than meets the eye.  We do not pretend to know exactly what is going on, but we do know that something is seriously wrong.

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024


Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

What will take the United States down? Will it be the debt that is growing at an astronomical $1 Trillion every 100 days? Will it be the US dollar losing its place as the World Reserve Currency or the replacement of the Petro-dollar? Will it be the replacement population coming across our porous borders every day? Will it be a revolt by the people after democrats steal another election? Will it be an EMP attack on the country bringing every electronic system to a screeching halt?
I’m sure if we thought a little more, we could come up with many more scenarios in which the United States as we have known it would collapse and have to be rebuilt. That leads back to our opening statement, “Who rebuilds will determine what the New United States looks like.”
It could be constitutional patriots that replace our current government with all its failures and foibles. It could be the United Nations and its One World Order. Or it could be a foreign conqueror. Or anything in between.
Or… is this truly Judgement from God and he has lifted his protection from our country and we are on a path that does not have an escape.
We will discuss these possibilities but more importantly, we will choose to focus on how we can reclaim this country and return it to the Constitutional Republic as it was originally designed (minus the “Necessary and Proper clause).

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

This is not a rhetorical questions. We are supposed to have a constitutional republic. We are supposed to have representatives that represent us and follow the constitution. We are supposed to have a judiciary that is impartial and follow the constitution. We are supposed to have free and fair elections. We are supposed to have secure borders.
In this episode we will be exploring these issues and many more. We invite you to join us and take part in the conversation. Join us in person or online, but join us and invite everyone you know. We have to have a serious talk about what has happened to our country and how to take it back!


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