Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Tyranny is Global.
Do you want your government telling you what you can eat... or if you can eat?
Do you want your government taking over the farm land of your country to control what food is produced... or if it is produced at all?
Do you want your government ceding YOUR sovereignty, liberty and freedom to a One World Government?
Do you want your government dictating what currency you can use, what you can purchase and when you can purchase or to be able to turn off your access to your funds at will?
If you answered NO to any or all of these questions, please watch this podcast as we empanel a group that includes members of The North American Unity Tour together with a representative from the Dutch Lions United freedom group. In this podcast we examine what is going on in Europe, specifically the Netherlands, Canada and what is seeping into the United States of America.
If you agree that the United States is the last Bastian of Freedom in the World... And if you agree that if we fall, the world falls... then you need to watch this podcast and make the decision that you will no longer "go along to get along".
This is it! This is for all the marbles! IT'S TIME!
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
So, though it may appear that things are quiet, they are not. Our focus today is to keep everyone up to date on current events. We have an incredible post in a few minutes on Jab with Dr. David Martin. He researches patents so its very scientific and looks at things from a different perspective. Stay tuned.
Then we will move onto economy and the banking crises. You may think the
crisis is over, but keep in mind as of last November, the Federal Reserve stated that 722 banks were insolvent in this country. The only thing that has changed is it has gotten worse, and is being papered over with funny money, manipulations, and lies. One day this house of cards will collapse and it will be Biblical. One day, some day, praise God not today.
Then we will discuss, what I would say is the start of WW3, the Ukraine- Russia
war. In particular, did we send Depleted Uranium shells to Ukraine, a violation of
worldwide treaties which the USA and England in particular never signed. Did this warehouse blow up and radiation spread into Poland? Stay tuned.
Then we discuss some posts on Tyranny and end with an interesting discussion on spirituality. Have demons been released. Is this quest by so many to be “tolerant” really just an attack on God Himself? You will not want to miss this as we will be bringing a new perspective on this topic.
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
People might think that statement is hyperbole or that we are just tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists, but in this episode, we invite you to look at the evidence the way we have been doing for two years. However, if you think this is relatively new, you would be sadly mistaken. This has been going on for years, maybe decades. We are just seeing the end-game play out. Jim M said we are at the 2-minute warning using a football analogy.
To make this so hard to recognize in its totality is because it is more like “death by a thousand cuts”. Any one practice being used against us could be easily dismissed. But, if you look at all of them collectively, you get the Big Picture and that big picture is depopulation.
So, what are some of the “thousand cuts”? We could talk about HARP (High Energy Auroral Research Program), that facility in Alaska that is purely for “research” yet is funded by the military. Then, as long as we are into acronyms, we can look at DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). This is a “research and development” agency of the DOD. This agency has been linked to experiments and developments in Mind Control, Super Soldiers, Military Robotics and the attempt to merge robotics with humans.
Next, we can talk about the poisoning of our food supply, the geoengineering that is putting aluminum, other heavy metals and chemicals in our atmosphere for us to breath, to contaminate our water supply and the ultimately contaminate all our food supply. That’s not to mention what they have been doing to our food supply for years with genetic modifications (GMOs). They can do anything with our food supply, but they want you to believe it’s only to improve crops and make food “better” for us.
Then we have our own government working on bioweapons and gain of function research with all sorts of nasty pathogens. The past three years of this “plan-demic” should prove this point. But if you think this is over, I have some beachfront property in Arizona you can purchase.
You can’t take financial considerations out of this discussion. If we can’t afford food or health care (I mean real health care, not the current definition which is sick-care), we will lose population through famine and real “plagues” – think Revelation.
Certainly not last, but we are facing (and some say are already involved in) WWIII. Remember the 4th seal in Revelation 6:7-8? “When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” 8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.”
We will dive into all this in this podcast and discuss just how we have become an endangered species!
Saturday May 06, 2023
Saturday May 06, 2023
I would venture to guess that the vast majority of Americans, while they may not like some of the things happening in our country, think that the situation will correct itself. That one more election or if we get the right party in charge, or if we get rid of the “fraud in chief” illegally occupying the oval office, will bring everything back to “normal”. That couldn’t be further from the truth.
What we are seeing in this country and around the world is the culmination of decades and decades of planning and execution. The anomaly of the 2016 election where Donald Trump was elected president, just put a slight delay in their plans. Their plan was for Hillary Clinton to follow Obama and complete the destruction of America. They used the four years between 2016 and 2020 to make sure that an anomaly like that would NEVER happen again… and it won’t.
The coup d'état that occurred in 2020 forever changed the United States of America. This coup was orchestrated by many globalists and foreign countries whose goal was to destroy our country and introduce the One World Government, depopulate the world, and enslave the remaining population. We are unwilling participants in the execution of this plan and there is NOTHING we can do to stop it.
So, what do we do, you ask. How do we keep from being victims of the most evil movement this world has seen since Satan deceived Adam and Eve? Don’t plan on stopping it, plan for surviving it, plan for introducing a New Country either in place of the one we are getting or as an alternative way to live within the evil.
To help jump start you on your path through this madness, we ask one question relating to just about every aspect of your life. And that question is…
WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WHEN…? Notice we asked “when” and not “if”. This suggests that the things we will ask are imminent. So, what will you do when? For example, What Will You Do When:
The currency collapses.
They force us into the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency).
The WHO (World Health Organization) usurps the health/medical
sovereignty of every person and country in the world.
The US Constitution and Bill of Rights are officially removed or
Sounds impossible, right? Well, let’s talk about this on our podcast Wednesday morning.
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Don’t get me wrong, there are still things going on; the same things we’ve been following for two years are still there. But, aside from another train derailing in Maine, there doesn’t seem to be “new” catastrophes popping up every day like we’ve seen lately.
Just like it worries me when my dogs are quiet, I can’t help thinking this is a little calm before the storm. To continue with the “storm” theme, we see the storm clouds all around us, but we don’t get excited until we see the funnel drop from the clouds. So, what are some of the things that could be getting ready to drop?
• Controlled release of information relative to the mRNA jab. Yet they are still promoting it. Plus, proof that hospitals and doctors were paid to kill people. All doctors that participated were in violation of the Nuremberg Code.
• The WHO staged to take over control of the entire world’s medical decisions and practices… with the full blessing of the fraudulent administration and approval of the congress!
• The impending destruction of the US Dollar and resulting collapse of the world economy.
• The end of freedom and liberty with the roll out of the CBDC
• Planned destruction of food supplies
We will be covering all of this and more on this podcast. Don’t miss it!
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
A quote often misattributed to President Abraham Lincoln states, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms, it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within.” It’s reportedly paraphrased from his 1838 speech at the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois, but regardless of it’s origin, it is absolutely playing out right before our very eyes!
In this episode we will be looking at several ways the globalist power players are creating that very scenario with the assistance of our entire federal government, all our elected federal officials and probably most of our state governments.
This isn’t just a USA matter, which makes it even worse, this is a global issue that is bringing in at an astonishing clip, THE NEW WORLD ORDER. The economy will not survive that global destruction of the US dollar, inflation will turn from bad to ugly and we will be faced with a rebuilding task a hundred times worse than in the 1930s. The global power elites and their US puppets will use all this to usher in global controls over our money, our health, our travel and basically every aspect of our lives.
Is this just the culmination of a fallen world where evil rules the world or are these events the unfolding of the Book of Revelation. We have our opinions, but you must decide that for yourselves.
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
We originally were going to devote this podcast to just the banking fiasco going on right now. However, we have two reasons for not doing exactly that: First, finance is Jim M’s bailiwick and he really wanted to be a part of this discussion and, two when we compared notes, we knew we had much more than we could cover in this podcast.
So, we came up with a solution that will take care of both issues… Today we are going to take a 30,000-foot view of the banking debacle and look how it relates to other issues and how much of it is a distraction, and secondly Jim M and I will be having a special edition of 2 Guys Drinking Coffee tomorrow evening (3/16/23) at 7:30 PM. Through the “magic of technology” we will be broadcasting from our respective homes and coming together online to do the podcast. Please, plan on joining us tomorrow evening at 7:30 and we will take a deep dive into the banking catastrophe!
But for today, we will look at this as it relates to many other issues going on. As always, we appreciate your comments and taking an active part of this podcast.
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
In 1965, Paul Harvey, a very successful radio broadcaster and the voice behind the very famous, “… and not The Rest of the Story:”, recorded a segment called, “If I Were The Devil.” We’ll actually play this 3 minute video a little later in the podcast, but it is eerily prophetic. I was only 10 years old when he first did this, so it wasn’t until many years later that I first remembered hearing this piece. And I became a fan of his, “Rest of the Story” segments as they were broadcast on Bradford’s WESB.
What we are seeing today in our culture, in not only our society but around the world, is the fulfillment of Paul Harvey’s warnings. The devil, Satan, Lucifer or whatever name you use for the leader of the fallen angels, has done and continues to do exactly what was foretold. Of course, we have many biblical passages that also warn us of the deceptions we will face especially as we near the end times.
Today we are going to opine and suggest that everything, literally everything, is distractions that keep us scurrying around like rats in a maze looking for food. I have to admit that I have got caught up in the events that have captured the attention of most of the “truth seekers” and podcasters for the last two years. But it’s important to understand that all of these things are meant to take our eyes off of the real threat, the demonic possession of our modern culture.
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
If a person (I know not our listeners) only gets their information from the Main Stream Media (MSM), they will rarely if ever find truthful information. If you listen to MSM, the Fraud in Chief is growing the economy, adding millions of jobs, lowering prices on everything and overall is saving the good ‘ole USA.
If a person (our listeners are a good example) wants the truth, they do the work and seek out alternative news sources. They also go to more than one source, more than one site, more than one individual or group. But that takes work, doesn’t it. It takes time. It takes effort. Unfortunately, many people don’t want to do that or can’t invest the time. That’s why 2 Guys Drinking Coffee does what it does. We don’t have all original content, but we do the legwork to get our listeners as many sources on a particular subject as we can.
Every few weeks we step back and just take a look at what’s going on instead of focusing on one subject. This is one of those weeks. We are going to try to cover many subjects that have been grabbing attention in the past week or so.
Of course, you know we can’t get through an episode without talking about the “Jab that just won’t go away”. But as the “puppet masters” continue to cause division, sow hatred, and do everything they can to get us all into an “active” world war. The puppet masters want nukes flying. It’s all part of Agenda 2030 and the efforts to depopulate the earth.
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
(From JFK to East Palestine)
• In the past week, we've had three more train derailments all over the country plus a truck with hazardous chemicals and a 5-acre plastics fire in Florida.
• Which made you forget about the three additional balloons that were shot down this week, after the one off the coast of South Carolina, remember that?
JFK Assassination: This was a CIA hit. It was a conspiracy of central bankers and power players within and without the government.
All Wars: Since probably the Napoleonic wars have been orchestrated and provoked by the bankers of the world. These people support both sides of the wars because… WARS ARE MONEY MAKING ENTERPRISES!
9/11: Do you really think the Twin Towers just collapsed as if it were a controlled demolition? The perpetrators were assisted by the CIA in this plot.
10th Amendment: All federal agencies unless specified in the US Constitution are in violation of the 10th Amendment and are therefore unconstitutional. Yet, there they stay protected by a corrupt federal bureaucracy for the purposes of controlling the people of the United States and to usher in the One-World government… the Great Reset.
20th Century Medicine: The Rockefellers and other BIG money families realized early on that billions and trillions of dollars were to be made by controlling the “healthcare” of the world. Because of that they invested in Big Pharma and medical schools to produce generations of “doctors” that were little more than educated pharmaceutical sales reps. The medical profession went from “diagnosis and restore” to pill pushers.
Vaccines: The “Snake Oil” of the modern era. The only thing vaccines are good at is creating wealth for Big Pharma and the investors thereof.
Covid-19: A well planned and executed attack and deception perpetrated on the entire world. There are so many aspects and tentacles emerging from this that it could take several podcasts just to focus on this topic alone.
HAARP: It has no military applications. It is only for atmospheric experimentation.
How about the greatest whopper of all: If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance.
Plus let’s talk about “Predictive Programing.”
Movie: KNOWING (About an oil rig disaster in the gulf of Mexico) – A year later, the Deep Water Horizon disaster
Movie: x-Files Spinoff – THE LONE GUNMAN – Pilot episode where a plane is flown into the World Trade Center – SIX MONTHS BEFORE 9/11
Movie: WHITE NOISE – Out at the end of 2022 - About a train wreck that poisons a small town in Ohio (Filmed at least in part in Palestine, OH).
We'll talk about all this and more!
If you are still one of the people that believes the government is there to protect you and provide for your welfare, then in the words of George Strait, “I have some ocean front property in Arizona” for sale.