2 Guys Drinking Coffee

We’re just 2 Guys Drinking Coffee and talking about what is going on in our crazy world today. We research and share what we find.

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Thursday Feb 16, 2023

Is this concept just a pipe dream? After seeing what happened in the 2020 election and then again in the 2022 mid-terms, is there any possibility of a free and fair election ever again? The computerized voting machines that we know for a fact can be hacked started this problem and the introduction of unrestricted, unchecked and unverified mail-in balloting finished the process of corrupting our elections from here on out.
Now, if you think we are just tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists (Jim M does have the hat), we have as this week’s guests Randy Barber and two friends, Kim and Lindsey, from Audit the Vote NY. They are part of a group of patriots that have been canvasing counties across the state and have found rampant fraud in the way of “cloned” voters.
They will explain what this means and what they are attempting to do about it. Who in the state they have talked to about this, what has been the reaction, and where to they go from here.
In PA we have a similar group, but I don’t know what if anything they have done so far. I am hoping that by having them share this information, we can urge other people in other states to organize as well. This is so critically important to the future of our country that I am asking every one of our podcast followers to share the link to this podcast with people all over the country. We need to blanket all 50 states and our territories with this information. So please, share, share, share!

Friday Feb 10, 2023

This last week has been somewhat quiet with a couple of OMGs thrown in for excitement. Even when quiet, though, you know the “evil empire” is still hard at work trying to take over the nation and the world.
This past week we have seen a breach of our airspace by a foreign enemy with our inept fraud-in-chief suckling at the teats of his Chinese overlords. We also had the satanists in California coming out in full display. Not only did they honor their master, satan, they celebrated everything dysfunctional in our society.
As always, we will have current events to discuss about WWIII, the economy (or the looming disaster we call the economy), Big Pharma (aka sorcery), plus we will take our weekly “Jab at the Jab”.

2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 91

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023

Wednesday Feb 01, 2023

There are some people we listen to that will say that “WWIII” has already begun. That we are in the midst of a war that most people just don’t recognize because it is not a conventional war like those fought in the past. Mind you, we could be at the brink of a nuclear exchange if we keep poking the bear, but it doesn’t appear to be today.
We must ask ourselves why and probably more importantly, who is behind all this? Who has something to gain by war. The “who” question is undoubtably the Central Banks and the people that own them. The “why” question comes down to control and greed.
In addition, we have the actors very much invested in the goal of creating a “one-world governing body”. A few of these would be the WEF, WHO, Central Banks, and a few individuals, the billionaires/trillionaires, that hope to be at the top of the control center when the dust settles.
In our 02/01/2023 podcast we will look at these questions and other things relating to the global conflicts and WWIII. We have done a great deal of research on this and we use many sources of information to bring it to your attention. But, as always, we don’t expect you to take our word for any of this. We do expect you to use this as a launching point to do your own research.

2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 90

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023

There is so much going on in the world it is almost impossible to keep up on everything. We tend to focus on areas of interest for us. For Jim M that is usually the economic issues and for me (Jim T) it is usually the JAB and what the Global Elites are doing to depopulate the world. However, if you pay attention to the blogs and alt-news sources as we do, you can’t help but follow all the other things going on both in this country and around the world.
We have the WEF meeting in Davos, Switzerland deciding how best to get the entire world to comply with its edicts on the JAB, climate change (yah right!), global digital currency that will make slaves of us all. Then you have the push in this country to normalize everything nefarious… from Big Pharma (which actually owns the US government), to strategically open borders (this is all by design), to the push towards creating a “One World Government” – we will lose what is left of our country.
A topic being worked on for an entire expose’ is the weaponization of weather. This will be coming up soon in a future podcast, but the important thing to know about this and all these other topics is that our country has already been taken over and our government handed them the keys to the front door and said, “help yourself”.
The important thing is to first be, and then stay awake. If we keep our eyes open and understand what is being done to us, the way everything is being manipulating… if we understand the enemy, at least we have a chance to resist and try to save humanity!

2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 89

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023

Wednesday Jan 25, 2023

Jim M is going to rant about what many would say is public enemy #1, the most evil organization on earth for several hundred, if not several thousands of years. The one that makes the chosen rich and powerful and impoverishes average people. The Puppet Master of politicians, judges, militaries and more. Not just here in the USA, but throughout the world. And the one, just my humble personal opinion, that Jesus was giving us a clue to when Jesus called people hypocrites, flipped over tables, pulled out a whip and chased the money changers out of the Temple. How does that fit with your “lovey dovey” Jesus theology?
What organization is this? The banks, the banking system, and in particular the Central Banks (CB), the Bank for International Settlement (BIS), which is the Central Bank of Central Banks, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and probably a few other banking organizations.
They are all evil, and I will present evidence to support this statement during the first half (or more) of 2 Guys Drinking Coffee.

2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 88

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023

We have Christie Hutcherson back for Part 2 of the Border Crisis this time talking about the human trafficking aspect.
Christie is a tireless patriot and has been working to expose what is happening at the border and holding government officials accountable for their not only their inaction but their complicity in this problem. She has been to the border many times and has spoken with sheriffs, border agents and those coming across the border.
This is one of those subjects we don't like to talk about because, quite frankly is very disturbing to the psyche. However, it's one that must be brought out into the open and that's why we've invited Christie back to talk about this national tragedy.

2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 86

Wednesday Dec 28, 2022

Wednesday Dec 28, 2022

This week's podcast is a must watch. We have a special guest joining us, Christie Hutcherson. Christie is the CEO and Founder of Women Fighting for America LLC (WFFA). Christie is dedicated to defend America from its founding roots. She’s been fighting on the border for over 2 years bringing truth around the national security threat while exposing the activity of the cartels, protecting the lives of those being trafficked and bringing awareness to the fentanyl crisis. Christie is dedicated to being a voice of truth for the American people to save the soul of our Nation.
Christie has been to the border several times and it working tirelessly to help the women and children that are being trafficked, abused and worse. She tells the story to other media outlets will not tell.
This is very graphic and sensitive subject matter. Parents, please use your best judgement deciding if your children can listen to this. This is information everyone must hear, but it may be too disturbing for little ears.

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022

Twas the Week Before Christmas
And all through the days,
2 Guys were thinking
What will we say.
Will warnings it be
Telling of evil and woe,
As we talk of naughty listers
Like Klaus, Bill and Joe.
Or will we take a break
From our regular fare,
And speak of the season
When people take a moment to care.
So, Christmas it is
Our topic will be,
Not Santa or Rudolph
But a child that saved you and me.
We hope you will come
As fun will be certain,
There’s a rumor of cookies
And the coffee will be perkin’
We’ll see you there
Or see you online,
But one thing’s for sure
We will have a good time!

Thursday Nov 24, 2022

This week we are diverging from our usual doom and gloom, or what we would say is we are simply acknowledging reality. We will not disappoint completely, but will present it in a different manner.
This week we are taking a moment to “Give Thanks” as tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Something we so often fail to do. There is much good still in this world and in our lives. The sun still shines and each day we have an opportunity to decide how we will respond to the things that happen in our lives.
Someone once said: “If you smile at the world, it tends to smile back at you.” I have found that to be true. Attitude is everything. If live gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Count your blessings. How have you been blessed? Family, friends, community, finances, talents, health, education, clothing on your back, a place to sleep (CLC story)?
Have you ever taken the time to write down all of your blessings? Would it fill a page? Would it fill a book? Think hard. What if the only blessings you received today were the ones you wrote down in a journal yesterday? How many would you have: 0, 5, 15, 100, 1000?
And then once we acknowledge our blessings, who do we thank? Our parents, our spouses, our boss, our friends, GOD? So today, we give thanks because it is the right thing to do. For those online, feel free to comment with the things for which you are thankful.
Yet, keeping with the purpose of this podcast, we will be bringing you some current events from the nation and around the world. We’ll try to do it without depressing anyone, which isn’t easy given the state of our world today.

2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 79

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022

Wednesday Nov 16, 2022

Freedom: A Reality or just an Illusion
There are people who still say we (Americans) live in the freest country in the world... or do we. It may be the last bastion of freedom as we've discussed in past episodes and if America falls to the globalists, there is no hope for the rest of the world, but just how FREE are we?
In this episode we are going to uncover and discuss the evidence that will answer this question. We are going to look at it from a constitutional, medical, media (both traditional and social), societal and a government viewpoint. We can feel free until we look at the overwhelming evidence otherwise.
Depending on what side of the isle you lean toward, this past mid-term election will help answer this question as well. Did we really have Free and Fair elections or have we become a "one-party" government.
We invite you to join us and debate this question along with us. We will be taking your comments on Facebook... and as always, you are invited to join us live at John Williams European Pastry Shop at 9am and comment live and in person.

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