2 Guys Drinking Coffee

We’re just 2 Guys Drinking Coffee and talking about what is going on in our crazy world today. We research and share what we find.

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2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 78

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022

This episode may not be for young children because we are going to speak about a very scary yet real subject… Depopulation.
People may think that we and many others talking about this subject are at best hyperbolic and at worst wearers of tin-foil hats. But if you look at the evidence all around us, I mean really look with discerning eyes and hear with open ears, you will realize that we are being led by a globalist coalition that wants to separate us between the elite and the serfs.
What is their main problem with this plan? At just shy of 8 billion people on this planet, we are far too many to control. Their solution? Get the population down to a controllable number. This raises another problem… how do you reduce the population down to the manageable number they want, which by the way is around 500 million? How do you exterminate 7.5 billion people without the massive uprising you would expect if people understood what was happening?
The answer to that question is a multi-faceted approach that will both trick people into helping them and creating the environment that makes it look natural. What we are going to do today is examine the methods they are employing to accomplish their heinous goals.
This may be a topic that scares you, makes you turn your eyes away, makes you uncomfortable, but this is an episode that everyone needs to hear.

2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 77

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022

It's election time again! It use to be election day, but now it's election season... but we'll get into that in our content.
Independent of party, what is the most important thing during this and all future elections. If you said Election Integrity, you would be joining about 80 million other Americans. If your voter registration has a "D" on it, then maybe not so much. Again, you'll hear me rant on that subject as well.
We will also be talking about what is at stake in this election, not only in Pennsylvania, but also some critical races across the country. Our very liberty and freedom is riding on the outcome of these elections... and I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that. If you vote for the democrats, you might just as well request your membership card in the World Economic Forum and get ready to goose step with the New World Order. Again, no hyperbole.
I hope we get some people listening live from other states so we can chat about the races in out states. Remember, this is an interactive podcast... we welcome your comments!

Thursday Oct 27, 2022

Damn… We’ve been reporting all this for a year and a half now!
Early, in the beginning of the “ScamDemic”, Jim M and I would sit on his homestead and compare notes on what was going on and what we thought about the events leading up to and resulting from the alleged “covid pandemic”. From all the sources we followed and continue to follow, we always suspected something was just was not right.
It was May 2021 that we realized that what we should somehow share what we were discussing. From there, the podcast was born. Now, 75 episodes later we are watching as information that we reported from our sources early on, that were being billed as “conspiracy theory” and were getting me put in FB jail, are now being confirmed. I still don’t know why they are finally admitting some of these things, but they are.
Somehow, we and many others, are feeling a bit vindicated by these revelations. So, in this episode we are going to talk about the “Covid Scandemic”, the bioweapon, and many other truths that have been so fervently denied.
Plus, we can’t do an episode without discussing the current events in the world and how it plays into the overall scheme of the New World Order.

Thursday Oct 27, 2022

This week we once again reach over our northern border to our friends in Canada to bring you a special guest, Jody Ledgerwood. Jody is a true Freedom Fighter in a country whose prime minister Justin (Castro) Trudeau is trying with every maneuver he can to bring Canadians into full blown communism.
Jody, along with her co-host, Cris Vleck, have a podcast called The Fringe Majority. Her podcasts have tackled topics such as Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), government oppression and abuse, world politics and conflicts, and much much more. You might notice similarities in topics we discuss on our podcast, which is why we were naturally drawn to Jody and her mission.
In this episode we will get an update on what is going on in Canada relative to the job, mandates, lockdowns, and if you haven't seen yet, Trudeau's ban on all handguns. Plus, she and some fellow patriots are in Manheim, PA for the Reawaken America Tour as I write this and we will certainly get her take on that event.
Don't miss this episode and please share this out to every like-minded person you know. This is going to be a great episode!

2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 74

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022

The Desensitizing of the American People.
Do you ever look around you and see people that just appear to be oblivious to what is going on in the world? These people read, listen or watch the news and see murders at alarming rates, see video of people being beaten on camera and no one intervenes, and hear of millions of deaths caused by the jab. They also see the attack on the children of this country through CRT, sexualization and exploitation, causing children as young as kindergarteners be doubt their gender with parents fully on-board, and exposed to drag queens in story hour.
Why are we not all enraged, screaming at the top of our lungs, calling or writing to our elected representatives or anything else we can do to stop all this insanity? I would suggest that many if not most people that follow mainstream media and listen to other “WOKE” talking heads, are thinking this is all part of life, that it’s perfectly normal. Just like the “jab promoters” tell us it’s perfectly normal for young children to get myocarditis and having strokes and heart attacks. But why? Why are they thinking this is normal.
I believe this is due to the desensitizing of the population. This idea has been proven when dealing with violent video games desensitizing people to all forms of violence and antisocial behavior. In this scenario, desensitized individuals cease to value human life. This is a psychosis that is the underlying cause of all our social ills.
In this week’s podcast we will be diving into this issue and looking at all examples and perhaps even offering some solutions to this problem.
Please join us on Wednesday, October 12th at 9:00am. If you are in the Bradford Area, you are welcome to join us in person at John Williams European Pastry Shop. If not in person, please join us for our live stream on our Facebook page, 2 Guys Drinking Coffee.

2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 73

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022

We're going down the Rabbit Hole on this week's podcast.
Just like the young girl Alice falls through the Rabbit Hole into a fantasy world of strange creatures and upside down reality, we will be discussing issues that many people will be incredulous while others will say, "finally someone is talking about this!"

2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 72

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022

After a few weeks of guests and special broadcasts, we are going back to our world events format for this week's podcast. It's not that we've ignored these topics in our recent discussions... rather we are just going to go deeper into the areas of politics, World War III (many people don't know this has already started), the attack on our children and how spirituality weaves in and through all this,

2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 71

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022

We have a very special guest for this episode. When members of the North American Unity Tour visited Eldred, PA and were guests on our podcast in Episode 68, we were introduced to a lady that goes by the name, Soup Mama.

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