2 Guys Drinking Coffee

We’re just 2 Guys Drinking Coffee and talking about what is going on in our crazy world today. We research and share what we find.

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Saturday Oct 21, 2023

“Watch out that no one deceives you.” ~ Matthew 24:4
What exactly is going on in the world? Do we really know? We have a plethora of distractions and events that would rival the greatest illusionist in history or alive today. Slight of hand, misdirection, all tools of the illusionist AND the global predators.
As closely as we keep our eyes on what is going on in the world, and try to stay up with all our sources, it still makes us, it makes me, look at ever event, then ask the question, “what are ‘they’ distracting from seeing.”
As soon as I heard about the Hamas attack on Israel, after I asked myself how in the hell could this even happen, my next thought was, why and what is going on now or what is about to happen? Nothing happens by accident or is isolated anymore. It’s always connected to something else and the “owners” are devious in orchestrating events to accomplish their goals.
So we have to look at what is happening on the surface and then look very deep at what they don’t want us to see. This week we’ll examine all these things and do it from the perspective of, “are we in the end times?” Should we be looking for an Anti-christ to appear. We don’t know for sure, but let’s talk about it and see what comes up.

Friday Oct 13, 2023

By now we all know what happened in Israel this past weekend. But do we really? What is going on behind the curtain? After the initial shock of what happened, after the disgust of seeing people being killed, others being kidnapped and reports of rape and torture, we start wondering how this happened?
Where was the intel? Where was Massad? What happened to the highly trained IDF? What about intel from Egypt to Israel days before the event? What about US intel?
When we stop and think about it, there are many more questions than answers and it seems that the Main Stream Media seem to ignore the questions. In this special podcast, we are going to ask the questions and let you know what we've uncovered in these last few days.
Don't miss this one!

Friday Oct 06, 2023

Pastor Artur Pawlowski has a church and street ministry in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. On the surface that may seem admirable, but Pastor Artur, a person who grew up in communist controlled Poland, became a freedom fighter and an inspiration for much of the world during the covid scamdemic lockdowns. Pastor Artur defied local oppression that tried to shutter his church and his ministry. Ultimately, he was arrested and found guilty of the heinous crime of speaking against the oppression and praying at one of the border protests in Canada.
We are so blessed to have Pastor Artur as a guest on a special edition of 2 Guys Drinking Coffee. We are anxious to discover his story and his role in the defense of freedom in his country and province. As most of us know, Canada is literally on the verge of totalitarianism and it’s courageous people like Pastor Artur that are keeping the wolves at bay.

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023

We have a special guest joining us for our podcast this week (October 4th), James Roguski.
If you’ve followed our podcast or blog for more than a little while, this name should be familiar to you. James it arguably the leader of the opposition movement to the WHO (World Health Organization). He has been speaking out against the WHO’s agenda to globalize (under the direction of the WHO of course) all health and medical policies and practices. If they succeed, every nation will lose their sovereignty as it relates to health and medical directives and decisions.
James will be here to give us an update on what is going on with the WHO and the timetable for their agenda. This is a podcast you won’t want to miss!

Wednesday Sep 27, 2023

Our theme today is the Economic Crash. It is starting, it is here. The future has become the present. What was once just a Conspiracy Theory is now Fact, and we have the Facts to prove that. The time for preparing is quickly running out. Just wait till it becomes official, then the people will really panic, and things will plummet faster and farther.
This is what’s up: Inflation is up, bankruptcies are up, credit card delinquencies are up, the deficit is up, and the MMRI is up into the Red Zone. In the words of Greg Mannarino we have reached Maximum Debt Saturation. The last up, is time is just about up.
This is what’s down, access to credit is down, jobs are down, existing home sales are down, and China is crashing down to name a few things.
And of course, when all else fails, they take you to war.
Here is hope. I don’t know the future, but I know who holds the future. Get close to God, he can make a way where there appears to be no way, re-emphasize family and friends and community and prepare the best you can. Here comes the lemons so it’s time to make lemonade.
Be a leader. Be ready to offer hope and solutions to your loved ones. Do as much good as you can, for as many as you can, for as long as you can. Be blessed and be a blessing to others.

2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode124

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023

We realize time is short if we are going to wake people up. It's time to get serious, very serious. So we are...
Getting very serious about where this is headed.
Getting very serious about coming persecution.
Getting very serious about the Mark of the Beast.
Getting very serious about preparing for some very difficult times ahead and creating a community to help each other survive.
Getting very serious about protecting yourself and your family.
Let's talk about how to wake people up and get them to "smell the coffee"!

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023

This episode is going to be for our regular listeners to make us all think, but more importantly to have talking points and rebuttals when dealing with some of your whiney, weenie, left leaning or otherwise sleeping friends and family.
In this podcast we’re going to look at everything going on in the world and ask, “Why do you think this is happening? What is the agenda? What makes you think this is acceptable and normal?” Because if we looked at each situation with our critical thinking hats on, we’d all be coming to the same conclusions, and that is “We are the targets of a global agenda to enslave the remaining population after the depopulation goal is accomplished.
Some people are brainwashed by main stream media, some people don’t believe what they are hearing could ever happen in this world and some people and just to scared and unwilling to act and hoping that this will just pass them by. We know that’s not the case. We know the people that stay ignorant of the facts, that refuse to see what is really happening, these people will be the first to go because they are sleeping and unprepared.

Wednesday Sep 06, 2023

We have yet another exciting guest for this podcast. I listened to this gentleman when he was a guest with Mike Adams (Health Ranger). He is another Canadian (this seems to be a pattern), a freedom fighter and a candidate for Mayor of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
We caught up with him as he is currently touring the states, talking to patriot groups and giving interviews about the tyranny of totalitarianism. Even though his schedule didn't get him anywhere close to Pennsylvania, he agreed to join us online... from wherever he happens to be this Wednesday.
We don't want to give too much of his story away, but to say he has been pursued and harassed by the corrupt authorities would be an understatement. I'm sure we will get into discussions on how to take a stand, ways to resist the tyranny and much more.
This is going to be great! Don't miss it!

Friday Sep 01, 2023

Today we have what we call “A Shofar Broadcast” called The Perfect Storm” A Shofar Broadcast is a warning sent out to alert people to potential or real danger.
The three main dangers that we see that we will be blowing the Shofar about are:
The Covid Comeback that just weeks ago was rumors in the Investigative Journalism Press, but this week showed up in the Lameduck Talking Heads, Regurgatative Official Narrative, Bought and Paid For, Fascist, Serving the Powers That Be, Presstitute, Media. How's that for a Rant Jim T? Am I getting better?
The Ongoing Economic Collapse that appears to have risen to a new level of concern, bringing the ultimate “Oh Shit” moment closer in time.
The rise of the New World Order. With this topic we will cover WW3 and Jim T has some great information on the 10 Kingdoms as described in the book of Revelations.
These topics are not new to our audience, and based on personal observations this week, I can report that many more people have awoken. I can't wait to share some personal observations from the past week. But so many more still need to be awakened. There is a saying: “Nobody knows until everyone knows, and then it's to late.” We are here to help in the process of getting everyone educated and awake.
As watchman we feel called to take a stand. It is written in Luke 21: 28: “When you begin to see these things take place, stand up and look up for your redemption is near.”

Wednesday Aug 23, 2023

To say this is a great podcast would be an understatement. We have a special guest that we are very excited about talking to and discussing what is going on in the world today!
James Corbett (The Corbett Report) is joining us this week. James is an internationally acclaimed podcaster and investigative journalist. He covers a wide variety of subjects and is renowned for his depth of knowledge and for doing the "deep dive" into his subjects.
A Canadian native and now living in Japan, James brings an international perspective to the subjects he covers. And, he's not afraid to call out people and issues regardless on what side of center they fall.

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