Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
So, what’s the Buzz going on in the world and especially the United States this week? Hmmm, could it be “The Torching of Maui?” Is this event eerily similar to the wildfires in Canada? Could it be related at all to the other wildfires in the US and the unusual weather patterns across the country? We are going to talk about what the “blog-o-sphere” is saying about all this and we want your input and comments as well.
Plus, we will be covering our normal fare of other topics but more importantly, how do we “stand up” and resist? How do we best survive the coming collapses of the economy, the constitution, and our country in general. Will the WEF and the One-World government (UN) have their way and collapse the world into a giant black hole called the New World Order?
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
COLLAPSES ARE MORE OF A "SLOW MOTION TRAIN WRECK". It's happening right before our eyes, but no one notices until we hit the "OH SHIT" moment!
Jim M is going to go through examples of historical events and their "Oh Shit" moments. Then we'll look at what is going on in our world today and try to determine just what the "OH SHIT" moments will be for each of them.
Just remember, by the time we hit these moments, most of the damage has been done and it may be a bit too late to effect the outcome. But, we want to know what you think as well. Tell us what you think the "OH SHIT" moments will be in our discussions. Or maybe, we've already hit them and no one was awake enough to notice.
Help your friends and family... get them to wake up before an "OH SHIT" moment wakes them up... very harshly!
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Are you feeling like a pawn in a giant chess game. Being moved around the board to see what happens. To see what the other pieces do. So the players (owners) can work on their strategy and future moves.
Or do you feel like a marionette. Having your “strings” pulled and manipulated by staged distractions, slight-of-hand moves by the government and the main-stream-media. Knowing that the “owners” are watching our every move to see how we will react to given stimuli. So, in essence we can also think of ourselves as human lab rats or Pavlov’s dog… Stimuli – response.
Is there a way off this out-of-control carousel? Do we still have the power of self-direction? Are we able to make a difference in the outcome of this madness or at least our own outcome?
In this episode we are going to look at some current events with an eye towards what is really happening, what “they” want us to think is happening, and our best responses.
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
We have a very special guest joining us for our podcast this week. Blaise Dornish is a business owner in Pennsylvania that has a background in law enforcement and is a much sought after speaker in the areas or the US Constitution, the political landscape we are facing and what may be our options to try to reclaim our great country.
If you are the least bit concerned about what is happening to the liberty and freedom that our founding fathers sacrificed everything to obtain for themselves and future generations, this is one podcast you don't want to miss.
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
The “owners” want you to think the economy is just fine. That’s a lie!
The “owners” don’t want you to know they are poisoning our planet and manipulating the weather as part of their depopulation plan. We know!
The “owners” want you to think the United States is not using Ukraine as a proxy and provoking Russia into WWIII. They are!
This week we will discuss all three topics and take a good look at what the “owners” don’t want you to know. Join us for 60 minutes of exposing the “owner’s” agenda.
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
it's International Day on 2 Guys. We have Max Van Den Berg from The Netherlands back with us talking about what is going on in his country with the collapse of the prime minister's coalition government. Plus we will also be talking about other events going on around the world.
Why is this important? Because it has a ripple effect and everything that happens around the globe effects what happens in this country.
Join us as we discuss international politics.
Saturday Jul 08, 2023
Saturday Jul 08, 2023
We start out our podcast this week citing a piece by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter where they describe the WEF as the biggest and most dangerous NGO in the world. As a reminder, NGO traditionally stands for Non-Government Organization. However, Jim M recently coined the phrase “New Government Organization” considering the current Fascist state of our government today. I think “New Government Organization” is much more accurate!
The Goals of the WEF (and their Cabal handlers): “The same as always: world dominance, a New World Order, depopulation of the masses, and the utter submission of the remaining useless eaters.”
This is why I am titling this Episode HUMANITY UNDER ATTACK! We will take a look at just a few of the ways all of humanity, every country, every race, every religion, every person on the planet (save the elites causing all this), are the targets of an all-out assault on our freedom, our bodies, our food and most importantly our children… the future generation of humanity.
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
What if... Like in the movie, THEY LIVE, we could put on a pair of glasses and be able to see the truth behind all the messaging. What if we could see beyond the intentional distractions put in front of us to guide our attention away from the corruption all around us? What if we had a set of stereo speakers that could translate the narrative (a nice way to say BS) and give us the real story?
Wouldn't all that be amazing? Wouldn't the world be a better place? Or would it? Would people continue to follow down the path of deceit and distraction. Would they continue to have their "eyes wide shut" refusing to see the evidence right in front of them?
This will be the underlying theme of this week's podcast as we discuss current events and the demonic corruption that has overtaken this world. Make sure you tune in... this could get interesting!
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Do you have any doubt still that we are fighting a spiritual war? The forces of evil are all around us. From the false leaders in our own country that are hell bent on destroying the last bastion of freedom in the world to the world wide take-over by the WEF, United Nations, WHO backed and supported by the central banks. There is one chief architect behind all this and his name is satan.
Are we headed into the end times? One would say we have been since Jesus left this earth to return to the father. However, we don't know how close we are to that time. But if one studies the bible and the Book of Revelation in particular, one would think we are getting very close. In fact, some of us believe that the seals mentioned in Revelation chapter 6 are being opened right before our eyes.
Join us for this podcast where we will blend the spiritual with the biblical with current events and try to discern the times we are living through.
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
This is an amazing episode. If you have any doubts about this global tyranny or how this is a battle of the spirit, good vs evil, then you need to watch this episode.
We have Max & Andre from The Netherlands, Jody and Bethan from Canada and Randy with the North American Unity Tour. We start out showing some video clips of persecution in both the Netherlands and Canada and use that to launch our discussion.
If there ever has been an episode you don't want to miss, it's this one.